Broken Dolls; Edinburgh Fringe, Review


Doing reviews for the Fringe you get emails from people or companies inviting you to go and review shows that they are putting on and this year has been no different, some have been accepted others sadly not due to time or clashes with pre-booked shows, one show however I accepted the invite to was a play called Broken Dolls which is on at Riddles Court Law market 6.30pm.

Sex trafficking a phrase that has people running for cover or a swift change of subject but it is a real thing that is happening all over the world.

This is the story of Narcisa a young Moldovan girl who thought she was getting a job as a receptionist but ended up being sold as a sex slave, Jonas an investigative journalist located Narcisa and her story is told to him, it is a gritty, dark harrowing tale which is very well acted out as the four characters Narcisa, Jonas, Tanja and Milos are very well and very convincingly played by Ilona Saic (Narcisa) Matthew Cartwright (Jonas) Kendra Lou (Tanja) and Daniel Deutsch (Milos).

The story centres around Jonas's chats with Narcisa but also her "Pimp" Milos who is really well portrayed by Daniel, also the full story of Narcisa being sold by her uncle and Tanja making all the arrangements it makes you,wonder how this sort of thing can happen in the world.

Without giving too much away there is a twist In the story with regards to Milos and the ending was intense and had me transfixed.

All in all a great story and well handled given the subject matter the cast acted it out wonderfully and made you feel like you were actually watching a real event.

A massive 5 stars for Broken Dolls a true diamond of a find, every person involved should be extremely proud of this production.

You can find out more by going to:

Follow on Twitter: @brokendollsplay

On until 25th August 6.30pm Venue 16 Riddles Court Lawnmarket Ticket prices start at £8.50